Longlands Primary School Hosts BBC Gardener David Domoney for Inspiring Visit!

David Domoney Visits Longlands School Social Farm and Eco Allotment


Longlands Primary School recently welcomed renowned BBC gardener David Domoney for a special visit to their school garden and social farm. This visit, made possible by funding from The Marches Academy Trust’s charitable arm, the 4 All Foundation, highlighted the transformative power of green spaces in education and community engagement. David Domoney Visits Longlands School Social Farm and Eco Allotment

David Domoney, celebrated for his expertise in horticulture and his passionate advocacy for gardening as a tool for learning, exploration, and wellbeing, received a warm welcome from the pupils, staff and community members at Longlands.

During his visit, Domoney explored the school’s vibrant garden, which serves as both a practical outdoor classroom and a source of inspiration. The garden fosters curiosity and hands-on learning experiences for students of all ages. Additionally, Domoney toured the school’s innovative social farm, a pioneering initiative aimed at promoting social inclusion, environmental stewardship, and sustainable living practices.

These initiatives highlight the crucial role of community partnerships in supporting educational innovation and holistic development. By investing in projects that promote access to nature, foster creativity, and nurture a sense of stewardship, Longlands Primary School, as part of the Marches Academy Trust, is making a lasting impact on the lives of pupils and the wider community. David Domoney Visits Longlands School Social Farm and Eco Allotment

Longlands Primary School Headteacher, Mrs Lisa Millington, expressed enthusiasm about the visit, stating; “We are delighted to have had David Domoney visit our school. His insights and passion for gardening have inspired our children and highlighted the importance of our green initiatives. This visit reinforces our commitment to providing enriching educational experiences that extend beyond the classroom.”

For more information about Longlands Primary School’s green initiatives, such as the award winning allotment and social farm, please visit: Social Farm and Allotment.



Posted by marchesadmin on 10th May 2024, under Uncategorised

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