We are GOLD! Longlands Primary School retains the Youth Sport Trust Gold Mark

We are thrilled to have been awarded the Youth Sport Trust Gold Mark again this year at Longlands!

Mollie Roberts, Development Manager at the Youth Sport Trust said; “Thank you for applying for the Youth Sport Trust Gold Mark again this year and I am pleased and can confidently award Longlands Gold for another year. It is always a pleasure coming to see the excellent work you are all doing at Longlands to ensure your children are active throughout the school day not just during their PE lessons. What is also evident is that you really do know your students, their needs and have the confidence to stop lessons if needed for active breaks to ensure they are in the best place ready to learn. Taking this whole school approach to movement is fantastic to see as well as the high-quality PE delivered by Miss Holding and class teachers. It is also great to see that you have continued to make changes to improve your offer and support staff CPD from attending Youth Sport Trust Healthy Movers CPD to ensure the children are supported right from the start and all the other CPD opportunities you offer your staff. Continue doing what you do and thank you for supporting young people to reach their potential.”

Learn how we encourage a love for wellness and physical activity at: Sport at our School – Longlands Primary School


Posted by marchesadmin on 25th March 2024, under Uncategorised

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