Year 2 – Maple Class

Welcome to Maple Class.     

Our teacher in Maple Class is Mrs Hounsell and our teaching assistant is Mrs Chevins. We work as a team to achieve high standards in all of our lessons whilst having fun at the same time. We ensure that we demonstrate Longlands’ learning behaviours throughout the school day to make us confident and independent learners. These learning behaviours include being respectful, resilient, reflective, resourceful and cooperative. Our lessons are filled with the sharing of ideas and interesting discussions which allows us to grow together.

We work our socks off in Year 2 but we enjoy lessons that are tailored to our personal interests. We are lucky to have exciting experiences on which our schoolwork is based. For example, when we are writing information texts about animals in English, we enjoy a day out at the zoo or the farm to ensure that we have encountered these animals in real life!

In our classroom we have engaging working walls that help us progress with our learning. For instance, if we want some flashes of inspiration for our writing we can select adventurous vocabulary from our English displays.

PE is on a Thursday with Miss Holding but moved to Friday for PE with Mrs Hounsell.

We have PE on Thursday afternoons with Miss Holding and on a Friday afternoon with Mrs Hounsell – we LOVE having fun whilst keeping fit.

Our Geography topic for the first half of the autumn term is ‘Our Wonderful World’. Here we will examine the natural and man made wonders of the world and reinforce our map reading skills. After half term, our History topic will be ‘Bonfire Night and the Great Fire of London’.

In the spring term our topics are ‘Seasons’ (Geography) and ‘Local Heroes’ (History). And in the Summer term our Geography topic is ‘Journeys – Food’ and our History topic is ‘Holidays in the past’.

We love art and improving our skills . We are proud of our sketch books which showcase our varied artistic tasks.  We use a range of different media to create our art work and love showcasing our talents during Longlands Art Exhibition in the Spring Term.

Reading at home, as well as at school, is vital. Children should be aiming to read daily for 15-20 minutes. It is important for children to read to an adult at this stage of their learning so their understanding can be assessed through questioning.

Children will also continue to follow the school’s Read Write Inc. programme to support their phonics and reading development.

We are working hard to prepare ourselves for SATs which will take place in May. Children will complete Reading, SPAG and Maths papers and will also be assessed for their writing.

Spelling lists should be used regularly at home to ensure that children are familiar with the Year 2 Common Exception Words. Children need to be able to read these words confidently and spell them correctly consistently in their independent writing. 

Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes is an essential skill that can be embedded at home whilst rehearsing number bonds to 20, times table facts (2, 5 and 10 times tables) and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s will improve their maths fluency.

Maple Class curriculum letter autumn 2024

Here’s the standard of reading that we aim for in Year 2.  Click here to learn more about  Phonics & Reading at Longlands.

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