
School vision

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to thrive and be future ready through a curriculum which is inspiring, diverse and challenging. Our curriculum not only aims to provide children with the skills and knowledge that they need now but also the ability to be:

  • Respectful
  • Resilient
  • Reciprocal
  • Resourceful
  • Reflective

In an ever-changing world. we strive to prepare our children to be confident, adaptable and driven member of the community.

We are a school that:

    • puts children and learning at the heart of everything we do.
    • creates learning opportunities which build skills for life and encourage curiosity and exploration.
    • delivers an inclusive and captivating curriculum which provides a range of opportunities in which to participate and excel within and beyond the school day.
    • has culture that enthuses and empowers everyone to take responsibility  and extend their own learning.
    • is a listening school where children and adults know their views are valued, respected and acted upon.
    • provides a warm, positive, safe environment where we value effort, recognise success and celebrate achievement at all levels.

We follow the National Curriculum in all subjects for all year groups. Please click on the icons below to find out more.

Our Curriculum



Current Curriculum 

For more detail about the current topics, please refer to the class pages under the Parents and Pupils section on our website, which will be updated momentarily to reflect the new term.

Outdoor Learning

We believe that every child should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development. At Longlands, our outdoor learning experiences include; a Forest School, eco allotment, eco orchard and our award-winning Social Farm. To learn more about our Social Farm and Allotment please click here. Learning outdoors can be enjoyable, creative, challenging and adventurous. It helps children learn by experience and grow as confident responsible citizens who value and appreciate the natural environment. Since 2021, we have started working with the Shropshire Wildlife Trust and Nature Friendly Schools to further progress our school outdoor learning areas and help develop our teachers. We are proud to be an award-winning outdoor learning school.

Our staff as readers


Ensuring a broad curriculum

How do we ensure the school is not narrowing the curriculum? – view pdf here.

Remote Learning

Remote learning information

If your child is recovering from an illness, and providing they are feeling well enough, they can access age-appropriate activities to study at home by visiting this Oak Academy link here.

Simply choose an English and Maths unit. The class page will tell you what is currently being studied in all subjects and you can pick from a variety of foundation subjects. Your child can also read their reading book or a book from home.

Want to know more?

To find out more about the curriculum that our school follows, please email