Category Archives: Uncategorised
Year 2 Fun Science Session
A few photos of our Year 2 pupils enjoying their Fun Science Session yesterday. The children learnt - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 11th March 2020, under Uncategorised
New Sports Equipment
Longlands Community Primary School has recently worked with Net World Sports to secure some new spor - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 10th March 2020, under Uncategorised
Thank you to our social farm working party
Thank you to all of the volunteers who supported our first working party session last Tuesday. Alrea - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 9th March 2020, under Uncategorised
Success at Kwick Cricket Competition
Some of our Year 3 and Year 4 pupils took part in a Kwik Cricket Competition at Oswestry School last - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 9th March 2020, under Uncategorised
Rowan Class receive a visit from Exotic Zoo
A few photos from our visit from Exotic Zoo. Rowan Class were visited by a number of rainforest ani - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 9th March 2020, under Uncategorised
World Book Day
We were really impressed with the wonderful costumes pupils wore for World Book Day across school. - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 6th March 2020, under Uncategorised
Rowan enjoy a trip to Palethorpes
Rowan Class, had a fantastic time planting and naming 120 trees at Palethorpes recently. They were e - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 6th March 2020, under Uncategorised
Winter School Games Final
We are so proud of Year 5 pupil Annie, for her performance at the Winter School Games Final opening - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 3rd March 2020, under Uncategorised
Student Spotlight
Well done to Year 4 pupil Lucy for winning the ‘Dancer of the Month’ trophy at Stepz School of D - read morePosted by marchesadmin on 3rd March 2020, under Uncategorised
Fancy a game of table tennis?
- read morePosted by marchesadmin on 2nd March 2020, under Uncategorised