Meet our team | Mrs Price

Longlands Primary School | Mrs Price


Meet our fabulous team!  Mrs Price is one of our Reception Class teachers and Computing Lead:

“I’ve been at Longlands now for 10 years! I started as an NQT and never left! I absolutely love teaching in EYFS and welcoming the children into our Longlands family! Our school is a great place to be and I particularly love sharing our social garden and farm with our pupils. I love being in the great outdoors myself, exploring and going on adventures! I’m extremely lucky to be able to share my adventures with my two furry companions, Smudge and Alvin. I bet the children can tell you which one causes the most mischief!” 😊

– Mrs Price

Find out more about Fir Class!

Posted by marchesadmin on 30th May 2023, under Uncategorised

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