Sport at our School

Physical Education Vision:

At Longlands Primary School we believe all children should have access to a high quality Physical Education (PE) curriculum and PE should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum. Our school recognises the benefits high quality PE provision and school sport can give to all pupils.

Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop physical literacy and the fundamental knowledge, understanding and skills to excel in a wide range of physical activities, by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all.

Our PE curriculum will contribute to healthy and active lifestyles; improve emotional wellbeing, reduce challenging behaviour, increase attendance and develop key skills such as leadership, confidence, social and team building skills.

Physical education encourages pupils to be active and supports them in their understanding of how to participate safely and effectively. Our PE curriculum is inclusive to ensure that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities on offer and that they are physically active for sustained periods of time in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives. Regular participation in sport and physical activity can help to reduce the risk of heart failure; improve physical fitness; help with weight management; promote good health; instil self- discipline; develop skills; improve self-confidence; reduce stress and develop lifelong learning skills.

A high quality PE curriculum can also inspire pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We will endeavour to provide opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports and activities both in and beyond the curriculum. This will mean that all pupils have the opportunity to participate in regular competitive sport.

PE will develop not only physical literacy and physical skills, but it will allow pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect. It will also contribute to the development of a range of important cognitive skills, such as decision making and analysis, and social skills such as teamwork and communication.

At Longlands Primary School our vision is to provide the highest quality PE for all children, of all abilities, to ensure the following pupil outcomes:

  • Pupils will enjoy PE and School sport.
  • Pupils will be committed to PE and sport, value it and make it part of their lives – both in and out of school.
  • Pupils will know and understand what they are trying to achieve in PE and how to go about doing it.
  • Pupils will understand that PE and sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Pupils will gain in self confidence by getting involved in PE and sport.
  • Pupils will develop the skills and techniques they need to take part in PE and sport.
  • Pupils will experience a wide range of competitive, creative and challenge-type activities, both as individuals and as part of a team or group.
  • Pupils will think about what they are doing in PE, analyse and evaluate and make appropriate decisions for themselves.
  • Pupils will show a desire to improve and achieve to the highest levels in relation to their own abilities and potential.
  • Pupils will develop stamina, suppleness, strength and speed to enable them to become live long participants in sport and exercise.

Click here to view our learning ladder

Netball Progression Journey

Foundation and Key stage 1 – Complete PE


Physical Education Impact:

Our school also recognises the impact that the provision of a high quality PE and school sport curriculum has on the whole school and that it can lead to whole school improvements.

‘Developing pupil’s personal qualities through PE can affect their attitudes towards school and learning. When PE and school sport provision is of the highest quality, all pupils will, to the best of their abilities, develop and demonstrate the following personal qualities:

  • A strong desire to learn & make progress.
  • High levels of attendance and involvement in PE and school sport.
  • High levels of commitment to PE and school sport.
  • Good levels of positive behaviour such as politeness, fair play and helpfulness.
  • High levels of enjoyment and enthusiasm and a strong desire to get involved.’

Complete PE Road Maps:

Longlands Primary School PE Road Maps 2024 2025

Pupil Leaders/Sport Council:

A selection of Year 5 pupils completed their play leader training. They are looking forward to supporting our Key Stage 1 pupils during lunchtimes enabling them to lead more active lifestyles.

Meet our Sport Council! These pupils meet regularly to discuss their ideas in order to help us move our sport provision forwards. Take a look at some of their suggestions from a recent meeting:

Meet our Sport Captains!

PE Premium:

Longlands Primary School has worked hard over the past three years to ensure our Primary PE Premium is spent effectively. With this in mind, as a school, all of our physical education and school sport provision is taught in-house with a full time Primary Physical Education Coach. With support from The Marches Academy Trust, we have continued to support our Physical Education Coach with regular CPD, PE conferences, Complete PE planning resources and using the Trust levy fund to upskill them.

Please visit our policies page here to view our PE Premium document.

Sporting Accolades and Programmes:


AFPE Award | The only school in Shropshire to currently hold this award. The afPE Quality Mark is a prestigious award that will evidence the strength and quality of Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) in your school. It will raise the profile of the subject and the school, both locally and nationally, and will promote the outstanding work that is being undertaken on a daily basis.

Active School Hero | Taken part in the Active School Hero programme that looks to celebrate individuals employed in a Primary School setting who champion physical activity, creating opportunities that allow pupils to reach their full potential.

Grassroots Football Awards | Taken part in the Grassroots Football Awards which celebrate the people who make a positive difference to make grassroots football great for everyone.

Girls and Sport Pledge | Longlands Primary School pledge to do more to help support girls in sport. Research by Totally Runable suggests that girls are less confident about sport than boys. We also know that their confidence levels can be impacted by sending simple positive messages about sport. By supporting the Girls and Sport Pledge, we aim to normalise physical activity for everyone regardless of gender.

Gold Healthy Schools Rating | We are delighted to have received confirmation from the Department for Education that Longlands Primary School has been awarded the Gold Healthy Schools Rating following our recent work with the Active Lives Survey team. The Healthy Schools Rating Scheme is a voluntary scheme for schools that recognises and encourages their contribution to supporting pupils’ health and wellbeing. See our award information here or to find out more about the Healthy Schools Rating Scheme click here.

Youth Sport Trust Gold Quality Mark | Longlands Primary School has continuously retained the Youth Sport Trust‘s Gold Quality Mark for our commitment to physical education and school sport following inspection. The mark has been aligned to Ofsted guidance, supporting the PE and Sport Premium. It comprises of a series of straightforward bench-marking statements, where our school’s level of provision in these areas is judged on: overall vision for PE, physical activity and school sport; quality of PE; quality of school sport; quality of physical activity; and use of PE, physical activity and sport as a catalyst for wider learning.

[2024-2025] | Mollie Roberts, Development Manager at the Youth Sport Trust said; “Thank you for applying for the Youth Sport Trust Gold Mark again this year and I am pleased and can confidently award Longlands Gold for another year. It is always a pleasure coming to see the excellent work you are all doing at Longlands to ensure your children are active throughout the school day not just during their PE lessons. What is also evident is that you really do know your students, their needs and have the confidence to stop lessons if needed for active breaks to ensure they are in the best place ready to learn. Taking this whole school approach to movement is fantastic to see as well as the high-quality PE delivered by Miss Holding and class teachers. It is also great to see that you have continued to make changes to improve your offer and support staff CPD from attending Youth Sport Trust Healthy Movers CPD to ensure the children are supported right from the start and all the other CPD opportunities you offer your staff. Continue doing what you do and thank you for supporting young people to reach their potential.”


Platinum School Games Mark | After achieving Gold awards for several consecutive years, we are so pleased to share that we have now achieved the prestigious School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year! The School Games Mark is a government led initiative facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their engagement (provision and uptake) in the School Games against a national benchmark. The Platinum Award is handed to schools who have maintained consistently high standards with their school sport provision. We are delighted that our efforts have been recognised and we look forward to continuing to nurture a love for physical activity and the brilliant wellbeing benefits of it in our pupils.

Longlands – QMD Letter

Creating Active Schools | Longlands Primary School was chosen to become part of the national pilot ‘Creating Active Schools’ in 2022. The framework was developed by an international group of experts to promote a whole systems approach to school improvement – embedding physical activity in the school’s ethos. Due to the success of the pilot at Longlands, we recently welcomed Energize STW to school to create case studies of the work we have made. Take a look at the videos below to learn more about our involvement:

Helping to engage less active pupils:

Improved CPD for teaching staff:


Trust Support and Collaboration:

Have a read of The Marches Academy Trust‘s Primary Physical Education & School Sport Strategic Plan (2023 – 2026). Here you will learn how as a Trust we aim to meet our four prioritised ambitions over the next 3 years. These focus on:

  • Improving the quality of PE provision across all of our primary schools.
  • Raising the profile of PE, school sport and physical activity across our Trust.
  • Building strong infrastructure via our ActiveMarches Programme.
  • Creating success through sports leadership.


Discover some of the fantastic achievements of our Trust primary schools from throughout the 2022/23 academic year, highlighted in The Marches Academy Trust‘s Primary Physical Education Update booklet below.

Connect with us:

Stay in the loop about sporting triumphs and pupil accomplishments from across the Trust by giving @MarchesAcademyTrust a follow on Facebook and @MMATPrimaryPE on Twitter. To hear about school specific updates, make sure to also follow @LonglandsPrimarySchool on Facebook and @LonglandsSport on Twitter. Thank you for your support!